Thursday, October 16, 2014

The King's Chair in Snowdonia

Rebecca heard about a hiking trip in Wales and eagerly tried to convince me to go. I kept thinking of me endless articles and books that needed to be read and gave a half-hearted “I’ll check into it.”  She sent me a link of the hike, Cadir Idris, and I was immediately sold.  Unbelievably, the hike itself was more incredible than any of the photos I saw on google.

We arrived Friday evening and stayed in a lodge that the club had rented.  Sadly, I had almost forgotten that Wales is in fact a very separate and proud country.  Welsh signs are in a foreign, indecipherable mix of consonants and y’s, and pretty fun to try to pronounce.

The next morning we hiked up and around a lake that was carved by a glacier.  The mountain formed a half circle with several offshoots that each had small lakes in the bottom. The panoramic views were unforgettable, and probably the most beautiful I have ever seen.  We rounded the bend and took a precarious hike down a 80 degree incline to make it down to a road.

We hiked through several farms, villages, and by a slate mine on the way back to the hiking hut.  The night was full of games and hanging out with laid back people who love to hike.  The next day we did a much more relaxed hike along a stream.  The weekend was incredible, and I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.  Sorry there are so many, it was hard to choose which ones not to include!